Cheshire Police and Crime Panel - Friday 2 February 2024, 10:00am - Cheshire West and Chester Council webcasting
Cheshire Police and Crime Panel
Friday, 2nd February 2024 at 10:00am
Feedback or questions
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Apologies
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Mr Martin Smith
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Agenda item :
2 Code of Conduct - Declaration of Interests. Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012
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Agenda item :
3 Public Participation
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Mr Martin Smith
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Mo Hussain
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Mr Martin Smith
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Agenda item :
5 Membership of the Panel
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Agenda item :
6 Chair's Announcements
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Agenda item :
7 Panel's Work Programme
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Mr Martin Smith
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Agenda item :
8 Questions submitted in advance to the Police and Crime Commissioner
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Mr Martin Smith
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Agenda item :
8 Questions submitted in advance to the Police and Crime Commissioner
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Mr Evan Morris MBE
Agenda item :
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Mr Evan Morris MBE
Agenda item :
9 Welcome to the Police and Crime Commissioner and Introduction by the Police and Crime Commissioner
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Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Norman Plumpton Walsh
Cllr Sam Naylor
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Judy Snowball
Mr Brian Reed
Cllr Judy Snowball
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Judy Snowball
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Mrs Gemma Shepherd-Etchells
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Keith Millar
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Agenda item :
10 Police and Crime Commissioner's Proposed Precept for 2024/25
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Mr Evan Morris MBE
Mr Martin Smith
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Mr John Dwyer
Agenda item :
11 Overview and Scrutiny of the Police and Crime Commissioner
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Cllr Norman Plumpton Walsh
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Mo Hussain
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Martha Lloyd Jones
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Phil Marshall
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Steven Edgar
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Brian Reed
Mr John Dwyer
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Mr Martin Smith
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Wendy Maisey OBE
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Keith Millar
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Steven Edgar
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Norman Plumpton Walsh
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mrs Gemma Shepherd-Etchells
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Judy Snowball
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Phil Marshall
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Sam Naylor
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Norman Plumpton Walsh
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Mr John Dwyer
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mrs Gemma Shepherd-Etchells
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Wendy Maisey OBE
Mr John Dwyer
Cllr Judy Snowball
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Mo Hussain
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Phil Marshall
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Mo Hussain
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Mo Hussain
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Norman Plumpton Walsh
Miss Yasmin Somani
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Mick Warren
Miss Yasmin Somani
Cllr Wendy Maisey OBE
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Judy Snowball
Mr Evan Morris MBE
Cllr Mick Warren
Mr John Dwyer
Mr Evan Morris MBE
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Cheshire East Council
Cheshire East Council