Planning Committee - Tuesday 7 May 2024, 4:00pm - Cheshire West and Chester Council webcasting
Planning Committee
Tuesday, 7th May 2024 at 4:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
PART A - Open to the Press and Public
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Agenda item :
Joining Instructions
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Agenda item :
1 Procedural Matters
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Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Katrina Kerr
Cllr Tommy Blackmore
Cllr Norman Wright
Cllr Stuart Parker MBE
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Alex Tate
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Mr Nick Smith
Mr Daniel Foster
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
Human Rights Act 1998 and Crime and Disorder Act 1998
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Agenda item :
Accessibility Protocols
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interests and Confirmation of Impartiality
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Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
3 Minutes
Agenda item :
4 Late Information Report
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Agenda item :
5 22/03736/FUL - Demolition of existing farmhouse and associated out buildings and erection of 54 dwellings and the provision of associated infrastructure (including roads, footpaths, cycleways, landscaping, and children's play area) and two new ponds located off Lache Lane - Moat Farm, Wrexham Road, Marlston Cum Lache, Chester, CH4 9DE
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Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Razia Daniels
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Katrina Kerr
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Katrina Kerr
Planning Officer
Cllr Katrina Kerr
Planning Officer
Cllr Katrina Kerr
Planning Officer
Cllr Katrina Kerr
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Alex Tate
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Myles Hogg
Planning Officer
Cllr Myles Hogg
Planning Officer
Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Norman Wright
Planning Officer
Cllr Stuart Parker MBE
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Tommy Blackmore
Cllr Katrina Kerr
Mr Daniel Foster
Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Daniel Foster
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
6 22/03963/FUL - Extension to existing car park in association with existing car sales business - Mangoletsi Ltd, London Road, Allostock, Northwich, Cheshire, WA16 9NS
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Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Myles Hogg
Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Daniel Foster
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
7 22/02777/FUL - Change of use of ground floor from former Citizens Advice Bureau to residential. Alterations to provide 6 self-contained single person apartments on the ground floor and first floor. Alterations to a first floor apartment. - Flat 1, The Quays, 4 Cromwell Road, Ellesmere Port, CH65 4AA
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Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Myles Hogg
Planning Officer
Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Alex Tate
Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Katrina Kerr
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Nick Smith
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Tommy Blackmore
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Nick Smith
Mr Daniel Foster
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
8 Appeals Report
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- 2203736FUL Committee report, opens in new tab
- 2203736FUL Late infomration report V2, opens in new tab
- 2203963FUL Committee report May 2024, opens in new tab
- 2203963FUL - Late infomration report, opens in new tab
- 2202777FUL Committee report, opens in new tab
- Item 7 late information, opens in new tab
- Appeals Decided List 21.03.2024 - 25.04.2024, opens in new tab
- HumanRightsAct1998, opens in new tab
- ACCESSIBILITY PROTOCOLS 2022 v2, opens in new tab

Cheshire West and Chester Council