Planning Committee - Wednesday 10 July 2024, 4:00pm - Cheshire West and Chester Council webcasting
Planning Committee
Wednesday, 10th July 2024 at 4:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
PART A - Open to the Press and Public
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Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Ben Walker
Mr John Stockton
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Norman Wright
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interests and Confirmation of Impartiality
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Cllr Gillian Edwards
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Norman Wright
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gaynor Sinar
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gillian Edwards
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
3 Minutes
Agenda item :
5 23/02766/FUL - Re-engineering, remediation (through the creation of a development platform), restoration, and subsequent installation of a commercial scale photovoltaic solar park including a battery energy storage system (BESS) and other associated development - Land At Winnington Avenue, Northwich
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Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Visiting Member
Public speaker
Visiting Member
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Myles Hogg
Planning Officer
Cllr Myles Hogg
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Norman Wright
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gaynor Sinar
Planning Officer
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Ben Walker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr John Stockton
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Planning Officer
Cllr Alex Tate
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Planning Officer
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gaynor Sinar
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
5 23/02766/FUL - Re-engineering, remediation (through the creation of a development platform), restoration, and subsequent installation of a commercial scale photovoltaic solar park including a battery energy storage system (BESS) and other associated development - Land At Winnington Avenue, Northwich
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Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
9 23/02854/FUL - Extension to existing agricultural building and erection of temporary rural worker's dwelling - Silver Warren, Moss Lane, Tarporley, CW6 9HR
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Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Visiting Member
Cllr Gina Lewis
Visiting Member
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Tom Rawlinson
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
6 21/03404/FUL - Replacement workshop building - Alcam Services Ltd, Chester Road, Oakmere Northwich, CW8 2HB
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Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Myles Hogg
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Alex Tate
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Highways Officer
Mr John Stockton
Planning Officer
Mr John Stockton
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gaynor Sinar
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
7 21/03753/FUL - Removal of existing maintenance building and erection of replacement maintenance building (Building D) - Alcam Services Ltd, Chester Road, Oakmere, Northwich
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Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr John Stockton
Mr Rob Charnley
Planning Officer
Mr John Stockton
Planning Officer
Mr John Stockton
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
7 21/03753/FUL - Removal of existing maintenance building and erection of replacement maintenance building (Building D) - Alcam Services Ltd, Chester Road, Oakmere, Northwich
Agenda item :
8 23/02370/FUL - Construction of a temporary Solar Photovoltaic Farm, including the installation of solar panels with transformers, a substation, a DNO control room, access track, security fencing and access gate, CCTV cameras, landscaping and associated infrastructure - Land South of Woodford Lane, West Hebden Green, Winsford, Cheshire
Share this agenda point
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public Speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Public speaker
Cllr Gina Lewis
Visiting Member
Cllr Gina Lewis
Visiting Member
Cllr Gaynor Sinar
Cllr Alex Tate
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Ben Walker
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gillian Edwards
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Norman Wright
Cllr Razia Daniels
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Planning Officer
Cllr Gaynor Sinar
Mr Rob Charnley
Cllr Myles Hogg
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
10 24/01441/FUL - 3G synthetic pitch with sports lighting, perimeter fencing, drainage, storage container, access, car park and associated landscaping - Moss Farm Sports and Leisure Complex, Moss Lane, Northwich, CW8 4BG
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Highways Officer
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gaynor Sinar
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Gina Lewis
Cllr Gina Lewis
Agenda item :
11 Appeals Report
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- 2024.07.10 - Late Information Report - July 2024 Planning Committee, opens in new tab
- 2302766FUL July report, opens in new tab
- 2103404FUL Committeee report, opens in new tab
- 2103753FUL Committee report, opens in new tab
- 2302370FUL Committee report, opens in new tab
- 2302854 FUL Committee report, opens in new tab
- 2401441FUL Committee report, opens in new tab
- Appeals Decided List 23.05.2024 to 27.06.2024, opens in new tab
- HumanRightsAct1998, opens in new tab
- ACCESSIBILITY PROTOCOLS 2022 v2, opens in new tab

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Cheshire West and Chester Council