Cheshire West and Chester Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 29 July 2024, 6:00pm - Cheshire West and Chester Council webcasting
Cheshire West and Chester Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 29th July 2024 at 6:00pm
Feedback or questions
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Morgan Jones
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Christine Warner
Cllr Paul Donovan
Cllr Lisa Denson
Cllr Nathan Pardoe
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Sheila Little
Cllr Karen Shore
Cllr Louise Gittins
Mr Simon Riley
Debbie Hall
Morgan Jones
Cllr Charles Hardy
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Mark Stocks
Mr John Stockton
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Stuart Bingham
Cllr Sherin Akhtar
Democratic Services
Democratic Services
Cllr Martin Barker
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Democratic Services
Cllr Martin Barker
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of the Party Whip
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Mr John Stockton
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Martin Barker
Agenda item :
4 Terms of Reference for Cheshire West and Chester Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Agenda item :
5 Minutes
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Agenda item :
6 Public Questions/Open Session
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Public speaker
Public speaker
Cllr Martin Barker
Public speaker
Public speaker
Cllr Martin Barker
Agenda item :
7 Review of Financial and Corporate Summary Performance 2023-24
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- Scrutiny covering report with performance
- Review of Financial Performance 2023-24
- Year End Summary Corporate Performance Cabinet Report for Scrutiny
- Appendix 1A - Revenue and Capital budget changes
- Appendix 1B - Adults
- Appendix 1C - Public Health
- Appendix 1D - Children & Young People
- Appendix 1E - Communities Environment & Economy
- Appendix 1F - Corporate Services
- Appendix 1G - Commercial Developments
- Appendix 1H - Council Companies
- Appendix 1I - Debt Management
- Appendix 1J - Collection Fund
- Appendix 1K - Prudential Indicators
- Appendix 2A - Council Plan 2020-24
- Appendix 2B - Adult Social Care and Health
- Appendix 2C - Public Health
- Appendix 2D - Children and Families
- Appendix 2E - Community Environment and Economy
- Appendix 2F - Corporate Services
- Appendix 2G - Proposed measures and targets
- Appendix 2H - Strategic risks
- Appendix 2I - Current risk scores
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Paul Donovan
Cllr Nathan Pardoe
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Mark Stocks
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Sheila Little
Debbie Hall
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Karen Shore
Cllr Sherin Akhtar
Cllr Sheila Little
Cllr Sherin Akhtar
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Louise Gittins
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Mark Stocks
Debbie Hall
Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Christine Warner
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Debbie Hall
Cllr Nathan Pardoe
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Lisa Denson
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Adam Langan
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Nathan Pardoe
Mr Simon Riley
Debbie Hall
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Sheila Little
Cllr Christine Warner
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Mark Stocks
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Karen Shore
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Karen Shore
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Mark Stocks
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Paul Donovan
Cllr Adam Langan
Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Martin Barker
Morgan Jones
Cllr Nathan Pardoe
Cllr Paul Donovan
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Christine Warner
Cllr Keith Millar
Cllr Christine Warner
Cllr Christine Warner
Cllr Nathan Pardoe
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Karen Shore
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Louise Gittins
Cllr Adrian Waddelove
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Louise Gittins
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Martin Barker
Democratic Services
Agenda item :
8 Cheshire West and Chester Overview and Scrutiny Committee's Annual Report 2023-24
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Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Martin Barker
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Martin Barker
Agenda item :
9 Review Scope - Transition to a new model for ICT: Joint Scrutiny Task Group
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Democratic Services
Cllr Martin Barker
Mr John Stockton
Mr Simon Riley
Cllr Nathan Pardoe
Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Nathan Pardoe
Cllr Martin Barker
Agenda item :
10 Review Scope - Annual Review of Flood Risk Management
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Cllr Mark Stocks
Cllr Martin Barker
Agenda item :
11 Date of the next meeting
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Cllr Steve Collings
Cllr Martin Barker
Webcast Finished
- CheshireWestandChesterScrutinyCommitteesTermsofReference, opens in new tab
- Terms of Reference for Cheshire West and Chester Scrutiny Committee - Refreshed, opens in new tab
- Minutes Public Pack, 04/03/2024 Cheshire West and Chester Overview and Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Scrutiny covering report with performance, opens in new tab
- Review of Financial Performance 2023-24, opens in new tab
- Year End Summary Corporate Performance Cabinet Report for Scrutiny, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1A - Revenue and Capital budget changes, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1B - Adults, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1C - Public Health, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1D - Children & Young People, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1E - Communities Environment & Economy, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1F - Corporate Services, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1G - Commercial Developments, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1H - Council Companies, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1I - Debt Management, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1J - Collection Fund, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1K - Prudential Indicators, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2A - Council Plan 2020-24, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2B - Adult Social Care and Health, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2C - Public Health, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2D - Children and Families, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2E - Community Environment and Economy, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2F - Corporate Services, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2G - Proposed measures and targets, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2H - Strategic risks, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2I - Current risk scores, opens in new tab
- Cheshire West & Chester Overview & Scrutiny - Annual Report 2023-24, opens in new tab
- Review Scope - Transition to a new model for ICT - Joint Scrutiny Task Group, opens in new tab
- Flood Risk Management Review Scope 2024-25, opens in new tab
- Accessibility Protocol - Physical Meetings, opens in new tab